Monthly Archives: July 2011

Gravy Emergency!

Tonight our dinner plan was leftover meatloaf and reheated roasted veggies (carrots, parsnips, and red potatoes), but since the meatloaf was a bit dry on a reheat a few days ago I decided to whip up a packet of that … Continue reading

Posted in Dinner, Main Dishes, Other Food, Sides | Leave a comment

A Week of Baking

Right on the heels of Sunday’s gummy class (about which I’ll post separately later) came a week of baking goodies for my husband’s workplace, Enthought, which was hosting some training seminars for which they needed some desserts. They offered to … Continue reading

Posted in Cake Balls, Cake Decorating, Cookies, Donated Items, Fancy cakes, Links, My Recipes, Other People's Recipes, Working With Kids | 3 Comments


Last night my good friend and president of the Capital Confectioners club Kyla Myers notified me of an awesome video via Google+ (which is not at all addictive…much…). I reshared it here with a cheeky note that I needed my … Continue reading

Posted in Experimental Techniques, Gummy | Leave a comment

What Gummy Class Supplies Look Like

Here are just some of the things I’ve prepped in advance for the gummy class I’m teaching on July 24: There are a couple of spots left. Remember, all proceeds benefit Capital Confectioners. I’m not being paid anything despite the … Continue reading

Posted in Cake Decorating, Classes, Cupcakes and Mini Cakes, Donated Items, Experimental Techniques, Gummy | Leave a comment

Someone Left The Cake Out In The Not-Quite-Rain

Much to my poor husband’s chagrin, the last couple of dummies from the Wolverine cake have been waiting forever to get cleaned off. In particular, the largest one has been taking up valuable counter space all these months. I soaked … Continue reading

Posted in Cake Decorating, Classes | Leave a comment

Gummy Experiments: Cupcake Cups

I previously posted this photo as a teaser for Day of Sharing and the class I’m teaching on July 24: I want to reserve most of the advanced gummy instructions for those who attend these events or purchase the booklet … Continue reading

Posted in Cupcakes and Mini Cakes, Experimental Techniques, Gummy, Products | 5 Comments

Gummy Book Cover Art

I’ve whipped up some cover art for the booklet I’m writing on gummy techniques for the July 24 class. This will be used as a flyer at All in One Bakeshop to advertise the class (if you want to come, … Continue reading

Posted in Cake Decorating, Donated Items, Experimental Techniques, Gummy | Leave a comment

Latest Gummy Experiments

While working on stuff for tomorrow’s Day of Sharing gummy demo, I had some other ideas to test. I’m putting together a summary handout for DoS attendees and next week will work on a booklet with more thorough information on … Continue reading

Posted in Experimental Techniques, Gummy | 1 Comment

Day of Sharing Cake Teasers

Chris Cantrell, a friend from Capital Confectioners and I were very busy ladies today, working on the showcake for Day of Sharing on Sunday. We worked so hard for so many hours, we began to imagine that we heard voices. … Continue reading

Posted in Cake Decorating, Classes, Donated Items, Figures | Leave a comment

Advantages of Googly Eyes

I frequently use simple black-dot eyes on figures because they’re easy and fast. However, when more emotions and expressions are required, googly eyes are better. By “googly eyes” I don’t mean the rattling craft kind (which I also love but … Continue reading

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