Monthly Archives: October 2012

Bleedin’ Rats!

I don’t take cake orders. I don’t have a regular business, so pretty much if I’m making a cake for someone, it’s because it’s a charitable effort I support, a close friend, or in exchange for some other favour. So … Continue reading

Posted in Cake Decorating, Experimental Techniques, Fancy cakes, General Freakishness, My Recipes, Sick and Twisted | 4 Comments

Well That Explains Count Chocula

I’m making a zombie rat cake that bleeds, so I needed to make some edible fake blood. If any of the above statement confuses you, you’re reading the wrong food blog… Anyway. I Googled around for recipes and found a … Continue reading

Posted in Cake Decorating, Experimental Techniques, General Freakishness, Sick and Twisted | 15 Comments

Alien Dog Cake for Peo

Last February I got to volunteer in Mike McCarey’s (aka the Cake God, even though he doesn’t like it when we call him that, thus proving how much more deserving he is of the title) classes after the Austin cake … Continue reading

Posted in Cake Decorating, Experimental Techniques, Fancy cakes, General Freakishness, Severe Nerdery, Working With Kids | 4 Comments

Skinner Blends in Fondant

I’m making an Alien Dog cake for Peo’s birthday – at her request after Mike McCarey gave me his sample dog stand after the Austin cake show in February – so I decided it’d be easier to cover the body … Continue reading

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Posted in Cake Decorating, Hangouts, Links, Other People's How-Tos | 6 Comments