Category Archives: Sick and Twisted

3D Candy/ChocoBlood-Filled Tombstone Cookies

This post originally appeared on another external blog in 2016. That other blog has since been abandoned, so I am re-posting it in its entirety here now. Hi, I’m Kimberly from Eat the Evidence, and I specialize in coming up … Continue reading

Posted in 3D Cookies, Cake Decorating, Chocolate/Candy, Cookies, General Freakishness, My Recipes, Severe Nerdery, Sick and Twisted, Working With Kids | Leave a comment

Summer Spectacular Cake Friends Quiz Show!!

At long last, the gargantuan episode that goes off-topic for hours and hours is available! Episode 55 – Summer Spectacular Cake Friends Quiz Show (Kyla, Jesse, Jacqui)

Posted in General Freakishness, Podcast, Severe Nerdery, Sick and Twisted | Leave a comment

3D Blood/Candy Filled Gravestone Cookies

I’m up to my blood-filled eyeballs in preparation for the big Birmingham cake show, but I wrote a guest post for It Takes A Village To Raise a Mother all about how to make 3D filled cookies without the need … Continue reading

Posted in 3D Cookies, Cookies, Guest Posts, Sick and Twisted, Working With Kids | Leave a comment

Bloody Recipes In The UK

Since moving to the UK I’ve had to convert a lot of my own recipes on the fly to accommodate the available ingredients. For the record, I’ve just made a batch of my tasty, chocolatey edible fake blood using ingredients … Continue reading

Posted in Cake Decorating, Classes, Sick and Twisted | 2 Comments

That’s No Ordinary Rabbit Cookie!

Would you like to make some easy, adorable, candy-filled bunny cookies for Easter? Of course you would! These basic bunnies are a kid-friendly craft to share with the whole family. Start by making the base cookie pre-filled with candies of … Continue reading

Posted in 3D Cookies, Cake Decorating, Cookies, Severe Nerdery, Sick and Twisted, Working With Kids | 2 Comments

Easy 3D Candy-Filled Valentine’s Day Cookies

If you do any amount of cake decorating, chances are you have a variety of heart-shaped cutters, molds, impression mats, etc. Heck, I’ve got so many that I don’t even know where they all came from, since some were in … Continue reading

Posted in 3D Cookies, Cookies, Head of Not Quite Hugh/Wolverine, Sick and Twisted | 4 Comments

3D Candy Filled Turkey Cookie

As I’ve mentioned, we’re in the UK for a year, and before we packed up our Austin house to come out here I made a bunch of holiday-themed cookies with my new Nordicware Cookie Cup pan (which I bought of … Continue reading

Posted in 3D Cookies, Cake Decorating, Cookies, Sick and Twisted | Leave a comment

3D Choco-Blood Filled Eyeball Cookies

First I showed you how to use the Nordicware Cookie Cup pan* to make 3D Candy Filled Baseball Cap cookies. Then I showed you how to do the same thing but turn it into a Jack-O-Lantern instead. But this isn’t … Continue reading

Posted in 3D Cookies, Cake Decorating, Cookies, Experimental Techniques, Sick and Twisted | Leave a comment

If You Prick Our Brains, Do They Not Bleed?

You know you’re getting your Halloween baking right when you’re constantly asked if you watch Dexter. I wanted to make a bleeding brain skull cake for the Halloween party thrown my by husband’s employer last year, especially since I spent … Continue reading

Posted in Cake Decorating, Experimental Techniques, Fancy cakes, General Freakishness, My Recipes, Sick and Twisted | 3 Comments

Free Hugs For Your Face

I recently made some cookies with nerdy things on them to send to friends. I will protect their privacy but I still want to show the rest of you the nerdtasticiosity. Yes that’s a real word: I’m a perfeshunal writer. … Continue reading

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Posted in Cake Decorating, Cookies, General Freakishness, Severe Nerdery, Sick and Twisted | 2 Comments