Category Archives: General Cooking Tips

Roasting Chicken Table

[Skip my explanations and jump straight to the printable chart.] We’ve moved to a new house and I’ve been porting over my cupboard notes to the new kitchen. By this I mean the things I keep taped up in the … Continue reading

Posted in Dinner, Disabled Life Hot Tips, Food Issues, General Cooking Tips, Links, Main Dishes, Other Food | Leave a comment

Souper Easy Cream of Mushroom

I couldn’t resist the pun, but I’m about to give you a really easy, tasty soup recipe, so that makes up for it, right? Um. Anyway. So let’s be honest: I love Campbell’s Cream of Mushroom soup. That is, I … Continue reading

Posted in General Cooking Tips, Links, Lunch, My Recipes, Other Food, Other People's Recipes | 1 Comment

Earl Grey Chocolate Torte Because England!

Sorry for the lack of posts lately but I have a good excuse: I’m in the UK for a year! We packed up our Austin house into storage – including most of my baking tools and supplies – and have … Continue reading

Posted in General Cooking Tips, General Freakishness, Links, My Recipes, Other People's Recipes | 1 Comment

Interview at Geek Native

I was recently interviewed about role playing games and baking at Geek Native. My answers feature tips and tricks for successful ventures in both fields. You can read it here: Please note that some of the discussions of RPGs … Continue reading

Posted in General Cooking Tips, Links, Praise from others | Leave a comment

Save That Fat!

Bacon fat is awesome. No, really. It’s pretty much free when you think about it – it comes with the bacon you buy whether you want it there or not – and it does a faboo job of cooking all … Continue reading

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Posted in Breakfast, Dinner, General Cooking Tips, Other Food | 2 Comments