Monthly Archives: October 2014

3D Choco-Blood Filled Eyeball Cookies

First I showed you how to use the Nordicware Cookie Cup pan* to make 3D Candy Filled Baseball Cap cookies. Then I showed you how to do the same thing but turn it into a Jack-O-Lantern instead. But this isn’t … Continue reading

Posted in 3D Cookies, Cake Decorating, Cookies, Experimental Techniques, Sick and Twisted | Leave a comment

3D Candy Filled Jack-O-Lantern Cookies

Recently I showed you how to use the Nordicware Cookie Cup pan to make 3D Candy Filled Baseball Cap cookies. I bought this pan of my own accord and have received no compensation from Nordicware. If you don’t have one … Continue reading

Posted in 3D Cookies, Cake Decorating, Cookies, Experimental Techniques, General Freakishness, Working With Kids | Leave a comment

Itty Bitty Teen Weeny Pumpkin Fairy For Halloweenie

As previously mentioned, I’m in the UK for a year so I don’t have most of my cake decorating tools. In fact I typed this paragraph while attempting again to stack ganached cake layers for Peo’s birthday cake since the … Continue reading

Posted in Cake Decorating, Figures, News, Praise from others, Prize Winners | Leave a comment

3D Candy Filled Baseball Cap Cookies

Early in the summer I purchased the Nordic Ware Cookie Cups pan (note that this is different than their cake ball pans!) because I’ve been experimenting with 3D cookies and thought this pan might help. It took a bit of … Continue reading

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Posted in 3D Cookies, Cake Decorating, Cookies, Experimental Techniques, General Freakishness, Products | 1 Comment