Monthly Archives: October 2013

If You Prick Our Brains, Do They Not Bleed?

You know you’re getting your Halloween baking right when you’re constantly asked if you watch Dexter. I wanted to make a bleeding brain skull cake for the Halloween party thrown my by husband’s employer last year, especially since I spent … Continue reading

Posted in Cake Decorating, Experimental Techniques, Fancy cakes, General Freakishness, My Recipes, Sick and Twisted | 3 Comments

This Is The Very Model Of a Modern Melty Chocolate Cake

My daughter Peo is slightly obsessed with “The Pirates of Penzance.” But when she asked for her eighth birthday party to have a Penzance theme, I pointed out that most other kids her age – even at her very nerdy … Continue reading

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Posted in Cake Decorating, Fancy cakes, Figures, General Freakishness, My Recipes, Severe Nerdery, Working With Kids | 3 Comments