Monthly Archives: December 2014

3D Candy Filled R2D2 Head Cookies

I was trying to think of a cheeky, nerdy joke headline and then I realized I shouldn’t bury the lead on this one: Oh but wait a second…it’s almost Christmas and I don’t want the food blogger police (which totally … Continue reading

Posted in 3D Cookies, Cake Decorating, Cookies, Severe Nerdery, Working With Kids | Leave a comment

Let’s Go Somewhere Where There’s CHOCOLATE!

Last Friday I did a small bake sale at my husband’s workplace for the Wallace and Gromit’s Big Bake to benefit Wallace & Gromit’s Children’s Charity. They’re a UK group raising funds to improve the lives of sick children in … Continue reading

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Posted in 3D Cookies, Cake Decorating, Cookies, Donated Items, Links, My Recipes, Other People's Recipes, Products, Severe Nerdery | 1 Comment