Category Archives: Uncategorized

Da Vinci’s Wild Austin Adventure

For this year’s That Takes the Cake! show in Austin, TX – which had a theme of The Science of Cake – I decided to make a cookie version of Leonardo Da Vinci’s Aerial Screw, sometimes called Da Vinci’s helicopter. … Continue reading

Posted in 3D Cookies, Cake Decorating, Cookies, Experimental Techniques, Prize Winners, Severe Nerdery, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Episode 9 of the Podcast, Plus Silly Movie Trailer

I chatted with Michelle Boyd, Sachiko Windbiel, and Mallory Mae Ragland for this episode, and at the end made up a silly fake movie trailer about their adventures. The full episode and its show notes can be found here:

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Podcast Episode 8 is Up

And I will actually get to a post as mentioned in the podcast about dragon egg cookies and airbrush glitter! Hopefully in the next couple of days. Episode 8 Page

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Episode 7

Episode 7 of the podcast is up! You can play it and read all the show notes here.

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Episode 2 – May 4, 2017

In this episode, I discussed vendor experiences at cake, cookie, and baking shows, talked about how I’ll handle product disclaimers on this and future episodes, and played some interview clips from the Austin cake show featuring Mark Desgroseilliers, Sidney Galpern, … Continue reading

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Podcast Episode 1

The first full episode of my new podcast is out! You can listen to it and find all of the show notes here: For a full list of episodes, please see the podcast page. If you have any comments … Continue reading

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Eat the Evidence is Now a Podcast Too!

Exciting news everybody…I’ve launched a podcast to go with this blog! You can find all the details on the new Podcast page, and episodes will be listed there as well. You can also subscribe through iTunes, Stitcher, and TuneIn. The … Continue reading

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Big Win at My First BSG Show

I went to the Sugarcraft Southwest event hosted by Region 6 of the British Sugarcraft Guild on April 18, 2015. This was my first BSG show so I wasn’t sure what to expect and had to pester one of the … Continue reading

Posted in Cake Decorating, Cupcakes and Mini Cakes, Experimental Techniques, Figures, Praise from others, Prize Winners, Uncategorized | 3 Comments

Dynamic Fondant Figure Modelling PDF Now Available!

I just posted it for sale! More details here: or go directly to Craftsy or Gumroad to get your copy of the handout from my class for only $4 until next Monday. That’s the special deal I offered if … Continue reading

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Quick Note – Ebook Coming!

I promised if enough people took my class that I’d make an ebook of the handout for sale. The class is going ahead and the handout is ready but it’s got some glitches I need to fix for the ebook … Continue reading

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