Monthly Archives: November 2015

Book Review: Grandbaby Cakes

Disclaimer: I was sent a free copy of this book for review. I was upfront that I only do honest reviews. All opinions stated here are mine and I have not been paid or compensated other than the free copy … Continue reading

Posted in Book Reviews, Links, Other People's Recipes, Products | 1 Comment

Goop Part 2 – The Shortening Strikes Back

When I shared my excitement about realizing just how well Goop (equal parts by volume of flour, vegetable oil, and shortening mixed together) works to release baked goods from pans in the previous post, some friends on social media were … Continue reading

Posted in Experimental Techniques | Leave a comment

I Am On Team Goop/Back In The UK

For those who didn’t already know, I spent the last 8 weeks back in Austin. We got our stuff out of storage and promptly re-packed it for an international move. We sold the car, we’re in the process of selling … Continue reading

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