Category Archives: Breakfast

Popcorn Pancakes

I wanted a legitimate reason to eat popcorn for breakfast because I was craving it and feeling blerghy about trying to eat anything else. I googled around and found various ways of turning popcorn into cereal with milk but that … Continue reading

Posted in Breakfast, Experimental Techniques, My Recipes, Other Food | 1 Comment

Book Review: Wild Eats

Disclaimer: I was sent a free copy of this book for review. I was upfront that I only do honest reviews. All opinions stated here are mine and I have not been paid or compensated other than the free copy … Continue reading

Posted in Book Reviews, Breakfast, Lunch, Other Food, Products, Working With Kids | Leave a comment

Bacon Pancakes, Makin’ Bacon Pancakes

Some of you may be aware by now that I have a slight fandom for Hugh Jackman and Wolverine. So it would not be that surprising that my friends would make sure I was aware of this: Good morning…. A … Continue reading

Posted in Breakfast, Head of Not Quite Hugh/Wolverine, My Recipes, Other Food, Severe Nerdery, Working With Kids | Leave a comment

Sugar Free Banana Custard Oatmeal

This is my best breakfast recipe yet. It’s ridiculously delicious, hearty and filling for hours, has no added sugar (or sweeteners), and is made entirely of basic, inexpensive ingredients that are easy to have on hand. I’ve long liked oatmeal … Continue reading

Posted in Breakfast, My Recipes, Other Food | 2 Comments

Mushroom Poutine Grilled Cheese Sandwich

WARNING WARNING WARNING! This post is going to involve a lot of unhealthy but delicious food. Think diner food. Yum, but probably lethal. WARNING WARNING WARNING PART 2! This post does not include a recipe. It includes mention of ingredients … Continue reading

Posted in Breakfast, Links, Lunch, Other Food, Other People's Recipes | Leave a comment

Pancakes Made Portable

Several years ago I blogged about my Healthy Oat Pancakes, and those are still a staple breakfast for me. But I’m about to be travelling abroad for an extended period of time (more about that in another post soon) where … Continue reading

Posted in Breakfast, Food Issues, My Recipes, Other Food | 1 Comment

Save That Fat!

Bacon fat is awesome. No, really. It’s pretty much free when you think about it – it comes with the bacon you buy whether you want it there or not – and it does a faboo job of cooking all … Continue reading

Posted in Breakfast, Dinner, General Cooking Tips, Other Food | 2 Comments

Quick Food Tip – Keeping Breakfast Warm

I love fried eggs but hate them cold. I learned years ago that part of the secret to keeping them warm is to serve them on a warm plate. To do this, right before my eggs are ready I wet … Continue reading

Posted in Breakfast, Other Food, Quick Tip | 3 Comments

Banana Nut French Toast

That title is drool-worthy enough to stop right there, I know, but collect yourselves so we can get this party started! I was going to make myself regular French Toast for breakfast. For me that means 4 eggs, 1/4 cup … Continue reading

Posted in Breakfast, Links, My Recipes, Other Food, Other People's Recipes, Working With Kids | 3 Comments

More About Healthy Oat Pancakes

Back in this post I discussed my tweaking of Chocolate Covered Katie’s recipe for Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Pancakes. This recipe and variations of it have become my most common breakfast over the last several months, so it’s time to … Continue reading

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Posted in Breakfast, Experimental Techniques, Links, My Recipes, Other Food, Other People's Recipes | 3 Comments