Does that mean that they are doubly dark, or that there are two dark components? YES.

Because chocolate, that’s why.
Step 1: Bake some dark chocolate rolled cookies in a shape that can be mirrored so you can put two cookie bottoms together evenly. Rounds are easiest.
Step 2: Make some dark chocolate buttercream.
Step 3: Pipe or spread some of the buttercream between cookies, using the flat bottoms on the inside.
Step 4: Love your life because you have double dark chocolate sandwich cookies.
In lieu of converting to a religion that worships me as a goddess for bringing this goodness into your life, buy one of my books listed in the sidebar. I recommend sitting down to read “Finding Gaia” with your favourite beverage and a plate of these cookies. You’re welcome.
Should you be a generous sort who wishes to share these cookies, leave them out for a few hours for the buttercream to crust over on the edges. If you need the buttercream to firm up fast, you can put them in the fridge.
If you feel like living dangerously, you could also add dark chocolate chips to the dark chocolate rolled cookies and then they’d be TRIPLE DARK CHOCOLATE SANDWICH COOKIES. Note that this blog, its author, and her dependents are not responsible for any severe drool damage caused by such tomfoolery.