That’s a 2.25″ solid ball of homemade gummy candy shaped like a Death Star.
What’s even better is it’s super easy to make. Simply follow my Basic Gummy Recipe in any flavour you like, but make a double batch to be sure you have enough. If you’re in a rush use it straight when warmed, but if you have time let it solidify and then warm it again with absolute minimum stirring. Repeat that a few times to get most of the bubbles out for greater clarity. Some bubbles will appear anyway, as per the picture (this batch was warmed and cooled four times), but I choose to pretend they’re little lights from windows.
Then use a baster to carefully let it dribble into this Death Star Ice Sphere Mold from ThinkGeek (it goes out of stock often so grab one whenever you can, or see if you can get one directly from the manufacturer in Japan). Don’t shove the baster into the hole or there’ll be nowhere for air to go. Just make a thin stream into the opening until it comes to the very top. Don’t stop too soon or you’ll have a flat top Death Star!
I let this one sit in the fridge overnight to be extra certain it was solidified.

Obliteration never tasted so lemony.
Of course, when I let my daughter take a bite out of it, we’ll be able to pretend it’s the semi-destroyed version. Muahahahaha.
If you like this sort of nerdery, be sure to check out my post with the pseudo-stained-glass window made out of Han Solos in Carbonite.
There’s also this experimental item. I’m not telling you what it’s for yet, only that I’m testing to see what happens to it at room temperature over several days. Which is a hint in and of itself, really. * shifty eyes *

All will be revealed in early March. Which is another big fat hint. But shhhhh…

Hello — I’ve been a google user since near their beginning, but I’m still getting used to google+
Somehow you came up in a google circle. (I hope that’s good somehow — again still new to g+…)
Anyway, I’m inspired with the fun you and yours have with food… I have two daughters and a very new granddaughter, so we may soon follow in your footsteps…
Also, since I’ve spent in Texas & didn’t care for it, your “Do it” advice for Thor’s hammer to be applied there CRACKED ME UP! Thanks for the laugh — I love short pithy wise cracks like that!
I'm all over G+ so it happens a lot. 🙂
I live in Austin which is okay, but yeah, I've had some unpleasant experiences outside of the city limits. Let's just say that I didn't like having to deflect my small child's attention away from racial slurs on bumper stickers after Obama was first elected…
My husband would love the gummy death star. Fantastic.
Thanks for mentioning your blog at The Smart Chicks Book Club.
Wow, I'm glad someone actually came to visit. Thanks! 🙂
Wow Kimberly! You're a true pro! I love baking and will check out some of your recipes!