Category Archives: Links

Apple Pie Recipe Number 3,141,592,653 Plus Jelly

That title could’ve been longer. I still know 34 digits by heart because my kid made me sing them to her every night before bed from ages two through three and a half. Anyway. PIE! I wanted to make some … Continue reading

Posted in Links, My Recipes, Other Food, Other People's Recipes | Leave a comment

Skinner Blends in Fondant

I’m making an Alien Dog cake for Peo’s birthday – at her request after Mike McCarey gave me his sample dog stand after the Austin cake show in February – so I decided it’d be easier to cover the body … Continue reading

Posted in Cake Decorating, Hangouts, Links, Other People's How-Tos | 6 Comments

Heather Baird is a GENIUS: Gummy Balls!

One of my cake club friends, Chris Wingler, just pointed out this post on Sprinklebakes: Dessert “Caviar” Minus the Molecular Gastronomy; Cappuccino Mousse with Coffee Caviar OMG! Did you see that video? You can make gummy drops in oil! I’ve … Continue reading

Posted in Experimental Techniques, Gummy, Links, Other People's Experiments, Other People's How-Tos | Leave a comment

Two Quick Bits of News

1) The flexible, edible stained glass class this weekend closes enrollment at noon tomorrow (because I have to pre-make some gummy sheets and let them dry). So sign up fast if you’re interested. 2) I’ve made a new page of … Continue reading

Posted in Cake Decorating, Classes, Links, Other People's Recipes | Leave a comment

Banana Nut French Toast

That title is drool-worthy enough to stop right there, I know, but collect yourselves so we can get this party started! I was going to make myself regular French Toast for breakfast. For me that means 4 eggs, 1/4 cup … Continue reading

Posted in Breakfast, Links, My Recipes, Other Food, Other People's Recipes, Working With Kids | 3 Comments

Inflated Dessert

OMG. I need a helium tank. I want to try this with gummy, jolly ranchers, sugar, and everything else I can think of.

Posted in Experimental Techniques, General Freakishness, Links, Other People's Experiments | Leave a comment

Pudding Cookies

I had a bunch of stuff to do tonight. I didn’t wanna. So I tossed it all aside and decided to make cookies. It seemed the right thing to do after I accidentally knocked a magnet off of the crowded … Continue reading

Posted in Cookies, Links, Other People's Recipes | Leave a comment

Jello Origami

My Jello Americans has a cool video and tutorial on how to make Jello “Origami” using gelatin sheets. They do admit that they’re “faking” the origami insofar is it’s the shape of the final orgami crane, not an actual piece … Continue reading

Posted in General Freakishness, Gummy, Links, Other People's Experiments, Other People's How-Tos | Leave a comment

Epic Cake Structure

Oakleaf Cakes made a life-sized Storm Trooper cake for a sci-fi convention. Even better, they photographed many steps along the way so if you’ve ever wondered what kind of structures are inside one of these amazing cakes, go check out … Continue reading

Posted in Links, Other People's How-Tos, Severe Nerdery | Leave a comment

Monte What-I-Had-In-My-Fridge-O Sandwich

I saw this great cooking video on Google+ today about something called a Monte Cristo sandwich, which is basically an egg-dipped, fried ham and cheese sandwich. Check it out below (contains some swearing, which I think is funny but might … Continue reading

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Posted in Links, Lunch, Other Food, Other People's Recipes | 2 Comments